jueves, septiembre 30, 2010

Cave Houses, An Introduction



What is a Cave House?
Cave houses are probably very different from what you imagine. Today's cave houses are not the primitive homes of times gone by. A modern cave house can be anything from a cosy country cottage to a cave house hotel.

Cave houses are being restored like never before and their popularity among those looking to live in “the real Spain” is soaring, especially in the Province of Granada situated in Andalusia in southern Spain. You can find incredibly beautiful cave houses in Galera, Huescar, Cuevas del Campo, Castillejar and many other villages in the Altiplano (El Altiplano de Granada is a vast plateau surrounded by the Batica Mountain Range, known for its beauty and contrast).

Cave houses have been carved out of the rocks of Andalusia since the Moorish invasion. For the last few centuries, right up to the 1960s, tens of thousands of cave houses gave shelter to farm workers, their families and their livestock. In the late sixties, with the mechanisation of farming and the advent of mass coastal tourism the local population saw a drastic decline and many a cave house was abandoned. Happily, today, that decline is being reversed.

You are reading the on line version of "The Cave Owner's Manual".
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